Photo/ Video Work

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Michelle Ye Photography

Michelle is a NYC based photographer dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming shoot environment for people of all experience levels. Buying her first camera at the age of 16, Michelle was drawn to capturing the beauty of moments with video creating. She delved deeper into photography at the age of 19 — starting her journey of “showcasing the beauty already existing in people” which gave her a sense of purpose and joy. As a Dancer and Model herself, Michelle understands how it feels to be in front of the Camera; from being courageous and confident to insecure and vulnerable. Therefore, her goal as a photographer is to give her models the best experience in front of the camera, all while working to co-create photographic art.

Video Work

space with(U)t

Inspired by the unseeable touch of space, and the wonders of creation within a bond, space witho(U)t, examines the manifestation of the physical, emotional and spiritual connection between individuals within the exterior realm whilst simultaneously investigating the duality of the lone journey. A development of abstract ideas correlated to the internal and external scopes of human existence driven by the concept of time, body and space–is the central theme that reflects this duet.


space witho(U)t - Michelle Ye

Choreography/ Music: Michelle Ye

Dancers: Deven Fuller and Michelle Ye

See Like You- Michelle Ye

See Like You

I created this work as a part of a final research project while studying abroad in Denmark. The purpose of “See Like You” is to showcase the differences and similarities of what I have experienced between Danish and American schooling culture. The overall theme of this video correlates to my growth journey of transitioning from adolescence to adulthood.


“Passion” is a video I created for my scholarship program as a first year undergrad student. The objective of this assignment was to utilise any art form to create an inspiring piece of work. I chose to construct a video based on my internal reflection of my experiences as I developed as a person.

Passion- Michelle Ye



Work with Brands